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Home | Our trail routes | Trail Silberthal – Camp Turenne

Trail Silberthal - Camp Turenne

11,4 Km 1h30 min 706 Challenging

A rather rolling trail in a wild valley. A place of peace and quiet, this trail is also rich in discoveries: The Hirnelestein "cuckoo's rock" and its point of view of the Alsace plain, the Jacquot stele, the Waldkapelle "chapel of the forest", the Camp Turenne, the Ostein rock or the Erzenbach waterfall...

Détails du parcours

Departure: STEINBACH - Clairière du Silberthal
Running / trail
Type de circuit : Pedestrian

Useful information

Type of markup: Club vosgien
Card IGN: Map no. : 3620 ET
Parking: Parking du Silberthal GPS : N47.8263° E7.1376°