Home | Thematic Pathways | Vers un des hauts-lieux de la Grande Guerre, le HWK
Vers un des hauts-lieux de la Grande Guerre, le HWK
Vers un des hauts-lieux de la Grande Guerre, le HWK
2h 332 Intermediate
The Freundstein Farmhouse-inn is, at an altitude of 925 m, near the Peaks Route, the GR5 and the large remembrance site of the Hartmannswillerkopf.
However, it has remained authentic in the image of the old marcairies of the high stubble fields.
This walk, departing from the Farmhouse-inn, lasts around 2 hours, without any particular difficulties.
Détails du parcours
Departure: Ferme-Auberge du Freundstein
hiking path
Type de circuit : Pedestrian
Useful information
Type of markup: Club vosgien
Card IGN: Map no. : 1/25000 3620 ET
Parking: Ferme-Auberge du Freundstein
See also